Thursday, May 5, 2016

Asserting like a Hipster

You know the type. For the past year they've been using the latest new programming language that you just discovered yesterday. They have the latest mobile device with the beta OS, and their laptop is loaded out with more experimental tools than a mad scientist's closet. Hipsters! Every team should have one because they keep us pushing for the next "something better." (Image source: Damn it's hard (and expensive) to be an Alabama hipster.)

Years ago new Java language features along with Hamcrest's matcher library created some changes in JUnit 4.4. Although experienced hands are used to reading the assertEquals(expected, butGot) pattern, if you free yourself from tradition, I think you'll agree that combining Hamcrest with Junit makes tests more readable. Click on the below thumbnail and compare the readability of the test on your left versus right. Although you may be used to reading assertEquals(...), which one would your mother find most understandable?
Tap to zoom
Not only does assertThat(...) read better, it has more advanced matching capabilities so you can do in one line what takes several lines of assertEquals(...) or assertTrue(...). (Source:
tap to zoom
And the error messages are readable without having to write your own (See assertTrue versus assertThat, for example.):

tap to zoom

Setting it up

The setup is difficult which is probably why not many use the more expressive assertThat:
  1. The eclipse JUnit plugin ships with a paired down version of Hamcrest which means although you get good API help via examples on the internet, the version with Eclipse sometimes can't do it or the packages are different (for example, can't do assertThat on a double because the paired down Hamcrest lacks the Matchers for doubles.
  2. "Out of the box" Eclipse's content assist (aka: command complete, intelli-sense) feature isn't any help for discovering the Hamcrest Matchers.
  3. assertThat isn't necessary for doing TDD. TDD adopted alone is hard enough so mixing the "doing TDD" with using assertThat means adding yet another barrier to coaching developers to do TDD, so it's skipped as a future refinement to learn.
 To use assertThat, the "hipster tax" must be paid. Let's get started.

Install latest Hamcrest library

 Go get java-hamcrest jar and add it to your project as an external jar library, and add it ahead of JUnit 4 in the build path (otherwise it'll use the "partial" hamcrest library that was added into the JUnit 4 plugin.
The dependencies for using Junit assertThat with Hamcrest Matchers is satisfied. Create a test class and copy paste the below code into your project, and run the test to see if your environment is OK.  The second test won't even compile if you're trying get by with the Hamcrest that came with Eclipse's JUnit plugin.
package foo;
import static;
//import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.closeTo;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import org.junit.Test;

public class AssertThatTest {
    public void assertThat_worksWithHamcrest() {
        int five = 5;
        assertThat(five, is(5));
/*    @Test
    public void assertThat_accessToModernHamcrest() {
        Double five = 5.005d;
        assertThat(five, is(closeTo(5d, .005d)));
You can get started testing, but to make working with Hamcrest enjoyable we need to configure Eclipse.

Configuring Content Assist

Without Content Assist support, using Hamcrest Matchers becomes a productivity suck. Until fixing this, the only recourse is Google or hunting via typing full package names to figuring out what matcher to use.
Out of the box Ecilpse is zero help finding matchers to use with assertThat
Go into Eclipse's Preferences and configure "Favorites" to clue in Content Assist for org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers and org.hamcrest.Matchers.

 Afterwards, Eclipse will give you a helping hand, and at this point the hipster tax has largely been paid (anyone know anyone at Eclipse Foundation who is positioned to fix this so it works out of the box?):
Think "is" for comparing a single something. Think "has" when comparing an array or collection to a single or collection of somethings

You'll be able to do more with less code, and that's a beautiful thing. The following is a taste of the Matcher menu: collections, string comparisons, iteratable objects, time comparison.


After this, you can assertThat(you, is(hipster_cool)). Better get started though. Because soon everyone will be doing it and assertThat won't be hip any longer 'cause it'll be mainstream. For background on why you'd want to write micro tests, use your commute time to listen to the Agile Thoughts podcast series about the Test Automation Pyramid, episodes 1 through 8.  Each episode is short, to the point, and entertaining.
Episodes 1 through 8

Now get 'er done hipster!


If you don't change the project dependency order so that java-hamcrest is before JUnit 4, you'll get the following exception during test execution because of a compatibility issue when trying to use Eclipse's JUnit plugin's older/partial Hamcrest:
Select to zoom.


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