Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Exceptional Exception Testing with JUnit 4.11 Rules and Java 8/JUnit5

Zipporah taking exception to poor 'ol Babbage

You've got something that takes exception to something else and now you want to automate a test to confirm it correctly throws per your specification:

 public class ProblemCauser {
    public void throwsException() {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative");
One way is the below. But can you see a problem?
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import org.junit.Test;
public class RulesAndExceptionTest { 
    public void canOnlyCheckTypeButNotMessage()
        ProblemCauser problem = new ProblemCauser();
How do you know the exception message has been set to "Negative?" In the past, that left you with the following strategy:
    public void theOldWayToTestExceptionMessageAndType() {
        try {
            ProblemCauser problem = new ProblemCauser();
            fail("didn't get expected exception");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
            assertEquals("Negative", expected.getMessage());

This does the job. Good work! You can actually fully test drive exception handling with this strategy.  The drawback is this is a lot of code to express a simple check. Even worse, many people forget to include the fail() call, which means if an exception doesn't happen, the test would pass.  This would be an incorrect test case. A better strategy is to use Junit 4.11's Rules package:
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException;

public class RulesAndExceptionTest {
    public ExpectedException
exceptionPolicy = ExpectedException.none();  // Set the default expectation.
    public void theNewWayToTestExceptionAndType() {

        ProblemCauser problem = new ProblemCauser();
 This is equivalent but uses less code. How does it work?

Exceptional with @Rules

 org.junit.Rule is an annotation that can be applied to a field or method. When JUnit executes the test class, it hands control to the Rule and decides how to execute Before, Test, and After, allowing the it to manage whatever it is supposed to manage. In the case of ExpectedException, allowing it to execute the @Test method and handle any exception thrown out to see if it's expected.

You can have multiple Rules in a test class doing various things. Here are other org.junit.rules.*(http://junit.org/junit4/javadoc/latest/org/junit/rules/package-summary.html):
Click image to zoom.
 Using JUnit's Rules, you can clean up exception handling code to one to three lines of code (one for the test class field, then one where you expect to get an exception) making it more readable and less error prone than using a try{...fail();}catch(Exception ex) { assertEquals(...);} pattern. More functionality with less code. That's exceptional!

Even MORE Exceptional with Java 8 and JUnit 5

JUnit 5 alpha was released in 2016 and it was designed to use Java 8 language features. assertThrows() tests if the exception type was correct. expectThrows() does the same AND returns the exception type so you can examine it further.
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.startsWith;
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
import org.junit.gen5.api.Assertions;
import org.junit.gen5.api.Test;
import org.junit.gen5.junit4.runner.JUnit5;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

public class ExceptionTestingTest {
    public void throwsExceptionWhenPopped() {
        ProblemCauser problem = new ProblemCauser();
        Throwable exception = Assertions.expectThrows(IllegalAccessException.class, () -> problem.throwsException());
        assertThat(exception.getMessage(), startsWith("Error:"));
Java 8 and JUnit5 make exception testing even more exceptional. Java 8 makes it possible to pass function pointers. So now the function pointer to throwsException is passed into expectThrows. And because expect throws returns the Throwable, it's possible to check it's state. Notice the use of hamcrest's assertThat as JUnit5 doesn't have one. 
To get the Alpha 5.0 release to work with Eclipse's JUnit 4 plugin per: http://junit.org/junit5/docs/current/user-guide/#using-junit-4-to-run-junit-5-tests, I had to add the following dependencies to my build path (see Referenced Libraries). 
Notice JUnit 4 on the end.  This is for the @RunWith. If you have problems, scroll down to this article's Troubleshooting section. JUnit 5 and Open Test are available at Maven.org.

Other Solutions

Outside of JUnit 5, here are some other solutions but they seem "exceptional" as they require more code and dependencies than using JUnit4 Rules and the code doesn't seem more readable. Here are some articles:

For background on why you'd want to write micro tests, use your commute time to listen to the Agile Thoughts podcast series about the Test Automation Pyramid, episodes 1 through 8.  Each episode is short, to the point, and entertaining.
Episodes 1 through 8


JUnit 5 API docs on assertThrows and expectThrows:  


JUnit5 with Eclipse JUnit 4 plugin test runner:
  •  ClassNotFound issue with DiscoveryFilter 
    • Solution: add junit-engine-api-5.0.0-ALPHA.jar to the build path.
  •  TestRunner executes but doesn't show any test being run. 
    • In the console, you see the following: org.junit.gen5.launcher.main.ServiceLoaderTestEngineRegistry loadTestEngines
      INFO: Discovered TestEngines with IDs [junit5]
      java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/opentest4j/TestAbortedException
          at org.junit.gen5.engine.support.hierarchical.HierarchicalTestExecutor.(HierarchicalTestExecutor.java:37)
    • Solution: go to Maven repo and add OpenTest4J jar to the build path.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Asserting like a Hipster

You know the type. For the past year they've been using the latest new programming language that you just discovered yesterday. They have the latest mobile device with the beta OS, and their laptop is loaded out with more experimental tools than a mad scientist's closet. Hipsters! Every team should have one because they keep us pushing for the next "something better." (Image source: Damn it's hard (and expensive) to be an Alabama hipster.)

Years ago new Java language features along with Hamcrest's matcher library created some changes in JUnit 4.4. Although experienced hands are used to reading the assertEquals(expected, butGot) pattern, if you free yourself from tradition, I think you'll agree that combining Hamcrest with Junit makes tests more readable. Click on the below thumbnail and compare the readability of the test on your left versus right. Although you may be used to reading assertEquals(...), which one would your mother find most understandable?
Tap to zoom
Not only does assertThat(...) read better, it has more advanced matching capabilities so you can do in one line what takes several lines of assertEquals(...) or assertTrue(...). (Source: https://github.com/junit-team/junit4/wiki/Assertions)
tap to zoom
And the error messages are readable without having to write your own (See assertTrue versus assertThat, for example.):

tap to zoom

Setting it up

The setup is difficult which is probably why not many use the more expressive assertThat:
  1. The eclipse JUnit plugin ships with a paired down version of Hamcrest which means although you get good API help via examples on the internet, the version with Eclipse sometimes can't do it or the packages are different (for example, can't do assertThat on a double because the paired down Hamcrest lacks the Matchers for doubles.
  2. "Out of the box" Eclipse's content assist (aka: command complete, intelli-sense) feature isn't any help for discovering the Hamcrest Matchers.
  3. assertThat isn't necessary for doing TDD. TDD adopted alone is hard enough so mixing the "doing TDD" with using assertThat means adding yet another barrier to coaching developers to do TDD, so it's skipped as a future refinement to learn.
 To use assertThat, the "hipster tax" must be paid. Let's get started.

Install latest Hamcrest library

 Go get java-hamcrest jar and add it to your project as an external jar library, and add it ahead of JUnit 4 in the build path (otherwise it'll use the "partial" hamcrest library that was added into the JUnit 4 plugin.
The dependencies for using Junit assertThat with Hamcrest Matchers is satisfied. Create a test class and copy paste the below code into your project, and run the test to see if your environment is OK.  The second test won't even compile if you're trying get by with the Hamcrest that came with Eclipse's JUnit plugin.
package foo;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.is;
//import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.closeTo;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import org.junit.Test;

public class AssertThatTest {
    public void assertThat_worksWithHamcrest() {
        int five = 5;
        assertThat(five, is(5));
/*    @Test
    public void assertThat_accessToModernHamcrest() {
        Double five = 5.005d;
        assertThat(five, is(closeTo(5d, .005d)));
You can get started testing, but to make working with Hamcrest enjoyable we need to configure Eclipse.

Configuring Content Assist

Without Content Assist support, using Hamcrest Matchers becomes a productivity suck. Until fixing this, the only recourse is Google or hunting via typing full package names to figuring out what matcher to use.
Out of the box Ecilpse is zero help finding matchers to use with assertThat
Go into Eclipse's Preferences and configure "Favorites" to clue in Content Assist for org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers and org.hamcrest.Matchers.

 Afterwards, Eclipse will give you a helping hand, and at this point the hipster tax has largely been paid (anyone know anyone at Eclipse Foundation who is positioned to fix this so it works out of the box?):
Think "is" for comparing a single something. Think "has" when comparing an array or collection to a single or collection of somethings

You'll be able to do more with less code, and that's a beautiful thing. The following is a taste of the Matcher menu: collections, string comparisons, iteratable objects, time comparison.


After this, you can assertThat(you, is(hipster_cool)). Better get started though. Because soon everyone will be doing it and assertThat won't be hip any longer 'cause it'll be mainstream. For background on why you'd want to write micro tests, use your commute time to listen to the Agile Thoughts podcast series about the Test Automation Pyramid, episodes 1 through 8.  Each episode is short, to the point, and entertaining.
Episodes 1 through 8

Now get 'er done hipster!


If you don't change the project dependency order so that java-hamcrest is before JUnit 4, you'll get the following exception during test execution because of a compatibility issue when trying to use Eclipse's JUnit plugin's older/partial Hamcrest:
Select to zoom.





Sunday, May 1, 2016

Unit Testing Spring Applications

Abstract: there are at least four ways to handle dependency injection for unit testing a Spring application: configuration by Spring XML configuration file, DIY injection, Spring's Java API, and Spring's injection via Reflection utility. The later three are suitable for unit tests. At the end are benchmarks for each strategy and a discussion on using Mockito with Spring.

You're a hot shot Java developer so of course you're doing the XP practice of TDD. You're working with Spring, then SHAZAM! You need to inject a mock dependency and are wondering how to do it. To make matters worse, you notice every time you add a new test class with @RunWith(SpringJunitTestRunner), those tests take two orders of magnitude longer to execute. (The other
tests run in milliseconds, SpringJunitTestRunner tests take hundreds of milliseconds.

What's happening?

Spring isn't a lightweight framework. It does a lot of work in the background, some of which includes looking around for spring configuration XML files on the file system.
Although you wanted to write fast feedback *unit* tests, now you're dependent on file system resources! Here is a simple example to illustrate the strategies to unit testing a Spring application.
package foo;

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;

public class MainApp {
 // NullPointerException occurs if no injection
    private MessageBean helloWorld;
    // A command line app needs to setup ApplicationContext.
    public static void main(String[] args) { 
        ClassPathXmlApplicationContext spring = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("beans.xml");
    // separated the concern of deciding what kind of ApplicationContext from the work.
    public static void springInjectAndDoWork(ApplicationContext spring) {
        MainApp app = spring.getBean(MainApp.class);
        MessageBean message = (MessageBean) spring.getBean("helloWorld");

    public void callGreeter() {
package foo;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

public class MessageBean {
   public void getMessage(){
      System.out.println("My Message  ");
beans.xml (tap to read):
And unfortunately, this often done trap of building a charlatan unit test is:
package foo;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;

public class SpringTestRunnerAndXMLFileTest {
    public void construct_callToMainThrowsNoException() {
        MainApp main = new MainApp();
This will allow you to build test automation but is this strategy appropriate for *unit* test automation?
Using the SpringJUnit4ClassRunner creates a Spring ApplicationContext and enables some hooks such as specifying the spring configuration file to use.
Problem 1: slow
Tests that require filesystem access can never be a unit test. Tests like the above will load the spring configuration .xml file and this will turn a test that takes tens of milliseconds into something that takes hundreds.
Problem 2: poor isolation
Each @Test method often needs to insert different fake data via Spring’s dependency injection. Having a different config file for each situation means moving valuable information from a single source (the test class or test method) into a separate file at the expense of making it harder to maintain.  Also, these config files tend to be used like shotguns, loaded with a bunch of beans that aren't specific to supporting any specific test's injection. This makes maintaining the test harder. Most developers create a single XML file to be used for a lot of test classes becoming a "global" shared by all the project's tests. When the XML file becomes flawed, then many unit tests are affected because the file becomes a dumping ground for injection for many tests rather than a single test.  Like anything "global" the file can't scale to many tests and becomes an "untouchable" that no one wants to fiddle with because no one can predict the impact. This situation can be improved by creating an XML file customized for each test so the XML file becomes documentation for each specific test class.


Here are some strategies that scale to supporting hundreds to thousands of tests and give fast feedback.

DIY Injection

When unit testing, dump Spring framework and inject the beans yourself. When your application runs in production, it still uses Spring.
  • adding to the class under test's API for injection via: constructor injection or setters. If you've got a lot of collaborators, the API reflects the dependencies (for good or bad).
  • Fast. In fact, so fast my laptop reports 0ms.
  • Doing say Constructor Injection, leaves a nice clear design artifact for future test creators to use because it documents in one location all the dependencies.
  • Test isolation is maintained as each test is injecting only what it needs. And if you do this well, your test documents what collaborators it depends on for the test.
  • Configuration is located in the test class making maintainability easier.
package foo;
import org.junit.Test;
public class DIYInjectionTest { 
    public void construct_callToMainThrowsNoException() {
        MainApp main = new MainApp(new MessageBean());  // using DIY constructor injection
package foo;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
public class MainApp {
    private MessageBean helloWorld;

    MainApp(MessageBean messageSender) { helloWorld = messageSender;    } // added for DIY injection test

    // A command line app needs to setup ApplicationContext.
    public static void main(String[] args) {  // this main commits you to XML, so put very little code in here or make your caller give you an ApplicationContext.
        ClassPathXmlApplicationContext spring = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("beans.xml");

    // separated the concern of deciding what kind of ApplicationContext from the rest of the work.
    public static void springInjectAndDoWork(ApplicationContext spring) {
        MainApp app = spring.getBean(MainApp.class);
        MessageBean message = (MessageBean) spring.getBean("helloWorld");

    public void callGreeter() {

Spring's Configuration Java API

Use Spring’s java classes to configure how to perform the Spring injection by creating a class that models what's in the configuration XML file using annotations such as @Configuration, @Bean, ... etc.
  • If you've a ton of injection to do for the unit under test, you'll feel the pain that was hidden within the XML configuration file by needing to express the configuration again as Java code. This pain can be made easier by pushing that code into a super class if a lot of test classes require it
  • Fast. 
  • Keeps injection happening via Spring so no class's interface needs to be changed.
  • Test isolation is maintained.
  • Configuration is collocated with its test class (assuming you're using a static inner class like the below example)
package foo;
import org.junit.Before;
public class SpringConfigurationAPITest {
    // The below inner class strategy doesn't work unless the class is static.
    static public class ContextConfigurationAsInnerClass {
        public MessageBean helloWorld()    {return new MessageBean();}
        public MainApp mainApp() {return new MainApp();}

    public void construct_callToMainThrowsNoException() {
        MainApp main = new MainApp();
        ApplicationContext spring = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(ContextConfigurationAsInnerClass.class);
        main.springInjectAndDoWork(spring);  // using Spring injection but without an XML file


Spring provides a simple API that lets you inject the collaborators your test needs and does it with less effort than using its Java Configuration API. Simply use ReflectionTestUtils.setField(...) to inject the collaborators. It will do this regardless if the field you're injecting to is private.

  • if you've got a lot of injection to do, you need to make a lot of calls to setField.
  • fast
  • test isolation is maintained
  • no changes to the class under test's API.
  • it doesn't require Spring framework to be active (no need for an ApplicationContext).
  • this api is simpler than configuring Spring using its Java Configuration API.
  • Configuration is collocated with its test class. This strategy documents the dependencies that are necessary to unit test the class under test, keeping maintainability easy and what to do when creating more new tests
package foo;
import org.junit.Before;
public class SpringReflectionInjectionTest {
    private MainApp main;
    public void injections()
        main = new MainApp();
        ReflectionTestUtils.setField(main, "helloWorld", new MessageBean());
    public void mainThrowsNoException() {       


Here are the benchmarks for the four strategies.
Run 1:
Run 2:
Notice the test that depends on the configuration file has a large variance in run time. I've seen it take as long as 700ms on my SSD laptop. Remember that this is only one test. Real applications that are under development for twelve months (five developers) typically need about three thousand tests and easily get them to execute in 3 minutes, or 60 milliseconds per test method. If your tests require configuration files to work then you're looking at 9 to double digit minutes. A lot of human factors on feedback will work against you because few people are going to sit at their workstation to wait for those tests. When the tests take a long time to give feedback, people are already checking email or taking a break, losing context of what they did. The wait state is too long.
And if you keep this application around for the industry average of 10 years, it's not uncommon you'll have ten thousand tests. Beyond the cost of waiting for feedback, it's harder to maintain tests that depend on external XML files. The test triangle refers to the geometric concept that unit tests should be most numerous just as the area of the unit test section is much greater than the UI area of the triangle.
Now you've got three strategies for making fast feedback unit tests for a Spring application (bottom of the triangle) and XML files for slower feedback system tests (the middle tier of the triangle). Like a golfer who selects the "best club for the situation" you want to use the best tool for the job.

Spring and Mockito

Many people on the Java stack are using Mockito for mocking their objects. Not only can Mockito be used to mock objects, it can inject those objects similar to Spring. Out of the many ways to inject Mockito mocked beans, here are the most promising ones: use SpringTestUtil.setField(...), use Spring to inject mocks, or use Mockito injection. 


One common configuration is to use Mockito to build the mocks then use SpringTestUtil.setField(...) for injection. Just change the example code for SpringTestUtil.setField(...) to:
    public void injections()
        main = new MainApp();
        ReflectionTestUtils.setField(main, "helloWorld", Mockito.mock(MessageBean.class));

Configure Spring to inject Mockito Mocks

Using Sprig's Configuration Java API to return Mockito mocks:
package foo;
import org.junit.Before;
public class MockitoMockInjectionViaSpringConfigurationAPITest {
    static private MessageBean messageBeanMock;
    // I'd rather not use static, but Inner class @Configuration doesn't work unless the class is static.
    static public class ContextConfigurationAsInnerClass {  
        public MessageBean helloWorld()    {return messageBeanMock; }
//alternatively, put Mockito.mock(...) here
        public MainApp mainApp() {return new MainApp();}
    public void initStaticsToMaintainTestIsolation(){messageBeanMock = Mockito.mock(MessageBean.class);    }
    public void construct_callToMainThrowsNoException() {
        MainApp main = new MainApp();
        ApplicationContext spring = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(ContextConfigurationAsInnerClass.class);
        main.springInjectAndDoWork(spring);  // using Spring injection but without an XML file

Mixing Mockito injection with Spring injection

Mixing Mockito mock injection with Spring mock injection is tricky. Mockito does injection upon calling MocktioAnnotations.initMocks(...) or when JUnit sets up the test class via @RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner). Spring does it's injection when you call ApplicationContext.getBean(...) or when JUnit tests up the test class via @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner). (Hopefully you won't use SpringJUnit4ClassRunner as you'll not have a unit test when you're finished.) You'll need to understand what's happening and when so you don't have your mockito injected objects later overwritten by Spring's injection. Although getting this working is doable I try to avoid un-necessary complications so I'll move on to using Mocktio only injection.

Mockito injection

Mockito injection is configured with @Mock and @InjectMocks. Mark beans, etc, to be injected with @Mock.  Mark the class to inject the @Mock(s) into with @InjectMocks. Injection is triggered by using @RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner) on the Test class or explictly calling MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(...).
package foo;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.mockito.InjectMocks;
import org.mockito.Mock;
import org.mockito.Mockito;
import org.mockito.runners.MockitoJUnitRunner;

public class MockitoRunWithInjectionTest {
    private MessageBean messageBeanMock;
    private MainApp main;

    public void construct_callToMainThrowsNoException() {       
Or by using initMocks(...):
package foo;
import org.junit.Before;
public class MockitoInjectionViaExplicitCallTest {
    private MessageBean messageBeanMock;
    private MainApp main;

    public void doInjections()    {MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this);}

    public void construct_callToMainThrowsNoException() {       
Mockito uses Reflection and runtime bytecode generation to mock objects. Because Mockito is slower than simply using POJOs (plain old java objects) it's better to use your product's objects if they are suitable for the task. Since Mockito doesn't use files for configuration, its impact isn't the two orders of magnitude of using Spring and XML configuration files.
For some great background on WHY writing FAST and Furious micro tests is so important, listen to the short, to the point, and entertaining Testing Pyramid series (episodes 1 through 8) on the Agile Thoughts podcast.
Episodes 1 through 8


How Spring Inversion of Control works

Using Spring 4 for Dependency Injection and why you'd want a dependency injection framework.

Using Spring in a standalone app


Spring's JUnitTestRunner





Spring Configuration Java API

Application Contexts to use with the above:

Common gotcha's:

Most of the examples on the internet have people making "top level" java classes annotated with @Configuration. This is not a good model for unit tests where the unit test should (as much as is practical) be a simple record for setting up a unit test. It's really better to use an inner class. If you see the below exception regarding your inner @Configuration class, declare it "static" as I did in the code example.
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'springConfigurationAPITest.ContextConfigurationAsInnerClass': Instantiation of bean failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.BeanInstantiationException: Could not instantiate bean class [foo.SpringConfigurationAPITest$ContextConfigurationAsInnerClass$$EnhancerBySpringCGLIB$$a473a0f4]: No default constructor found; nested exception is java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: foo.SpringConfigurationAPITest$ContextConfigurationAsInnerClass$$EnhancerBySpringCGLIB$$a473a0f4.

About static inner classes:


Testing Triangle (or incorrectly referred to as Testing Pyramid :-)